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Youth Clubs

   Every Monday

Junior Youth Club

       5.30 – 7.00pm

    Senior Youth               Club

      7.15- 8.45pm

£1.50 entry

The youngsters love to use the gymnastics equipment ( and the crash mat is an essential in that play!) The quieter ones like to sit and have a chat in the cafe area or IT suite.

We have music every night and allow the children to use their own phones so they can act as their own DJ's-which goes down a treat!

We run an annual sleep over for the youngsters to attend, which raises money for Y Care International, this year we had 13 members of the youth club attend. 

We are an open format club and currently use the hall as well as the cafe area (and most of the areas in between!). 

The kids play a mixture of bar football, table tennis, football, using the gymnastics equipment and general running about. 


The quieter ones like to play board games, on the PC's or to just sit and have a chat. 

We will sometimes have a disco, with louder music complete with disco lights! While other times, the children can use their phone/ipods if they wish, to choose their own music. 

Junior Youth Club 
8-11 years
Senior Youth Club
11-14 years

£1.50 Entry

*Tuck Shop


We have very strict rules regarding bullying/harassment and vandalism. Any child caught doing any of these will be banned for however long we see fit.  

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