What's on at Porthcawl YMCA
Porthcawl YMCA is a community hub hosting an array of different activities and groups, from table tennis to history classes, there is something for everyone!
We have a mixture of classes and groups throughout the week. With organisations and groups such as Porthcawl U3A, Foodbank, Neil Gimble Taekwando, Mental Health Matters & YMCA Youth Clubs, there is a group for everyone to join.
Take a look at our up to date weekly activities here:
10-12 U3A Modern Art (lastMonday of month)
10-12.30 Bore Coffi come along and practice your Welsh whilst enjoying a cuppa
10-12(Fortnightly) U3A History
10-11(Fortnightly) U3A Dancersize
2-4(Fortnightly) Whist
2-4(Monthly) U3A Quiz
5.30-7.00 Junior Youth Club Activities for years 3 to 6 (Ages 8 to 11)
7.15-8.45 Senior Youth Club Activities for years 7-9 (Ages 11 to 14)
10-12 Foodbank Providing support and emergency food to people in crisis
10.15-12.15 Potter 'Y' An informal Pottery class
10.30-12.30 Cardmaking An informal cardmaking class
11-1 (fortnightly) U3A Kaffee Klatsch Practice your German whilst enjoying a cuppa
1-3.30(Fortnightly) U3A Mindfulness
2-4 (monthly) U3A Sustainability
2-4 U3A Photography(Fornightly)
4-5.30 Taekwondo Little Tigers (4yrs+) Tues & Thurs 4-4.30 -Juniors (6yrs+)
Tues & Thurs 4.30-5.30
9-12 Monkey Music A musical experience for babies and toddlers
10-1 Painting with Derek An intermediate painting class
10-1 Motivate helping to get you back into work over 25
10-3 BCBC work Club 18-25 years
6-8.30 Games Club A mixed aged group, where you can play many
different card, board and table top games
10-12 U3A Painting an informal painting class
10-12 Foodbank (See Tuesday)
10-12 Dementia Hub coffee, chat and activities
12.30-2.30 Mental Health Matters A support group for anyone suffering
mental health issues an informal painting class
2-4(Fortnightly) U3A Craft
2-4 U3A Astronomy (Fortnightly)
4-5.30 Taekwondo (see Tuesday)
10-12(fortnightly) U3A Table Tennis Mixed ability, fun, friendly table sessions
(you must be a member of Porthcawl U3A to attend)
10-12(fortnightly) U3A Philosophy
2-4 Knit and Natter A friendly, relaxed group who knit and natter! All welcome.
2-4(Fortnightly) U3A Ukulele Lots of fun, singing practical with more classical style
(you must be a member of Porthcawl U3A to attend)
For full U3A class details, please go to their website,
by clicking here.